The Trego Hospital Endowment Foundation recently held their Annual Volunteer & Donor Appreciation Awards Banquet to honor and recognize TCLMH Auxiliary Volunteers, Donors, TCLMH Board Members, and supporters, as well as those who assist with labor and fundraising throughout the year.
The ceremony got began with entertainment; provided by Abraham Pfannenstiel and Sadie Dinkel performing their pieces that they will present at state Forensics Tournament Competition. Their performances were outstanding.
Trego Hospital Endowment Board President,E. Jay Deines addressed the group. A very informative and enjoyable description of the Endowment Foundation, it’s meaning to the community, its growth and prosperity due to the Volunteers and Donors. It needs to be mentioned that we are so fortunate to have many that have served this board for many years. Five members have remained steadfast on the board for 25 years. In the first 25 years over $800,000 was raised for TCLMH.
Each year, hundreds of individuals volunteer their time to this community, performing various assignments ranging from setting on a board, coordinating work, office work to assisting with special events or membership drives, and of course fund raisers. Our annual Volunteer Appreciation Dinner is a special night that we set aside to recognize those individuals who make our mission possible. Trego County Lemke Memorial Hospital Auxiliary Volunteers accumulated more than 1000 volunteer hours this year. Additionally, this group of wonderful volunteers provided several thousand dollars to purchase equipment, new furniture, and to fill wish list request in our hospital. Several Volunteers received “hours of service pins” in honor of their invaluable volunteer service. Other awards were also presented, including several new volunteers this year.
The Trego Hospital Endowment Foundation, Inc was honored to award plaques and certificates to the many donors that support our mission. Our hearts are filled with gratitude for each donor. Additionally, posters, handouts, and pictures were available detailing the Trego Hospital Endowment Foundations contribution including 2010-2014, a total of $339,372.96 to date in 2015 we have contributed $ 35,334.31 for Computer Monitor, Passport Monitor, PCA Pumps x3 for the Hospital: Steamer, Toaster(Conveyer Belt) for Dietary Dept.; Bed and Mattresses for LTC; Recumbent Step-thru Bike x2 for Cardiac Rehab. TCLMH Auxiliary provided $6644.15 for 2010-2014. so far in 2015 the auxiliary has purchased wrist BP,stethoscope for LTC $249.92;redecorated Family Room $1396.33 near the emergency room and registration desk. In process of purchasing new TV’s for Acute care rooms @ $500 each.
The event included a “Buffet Style” Dinner, Salad Bar, and Deserts. The catered meal was wonderful. It included Roast Beef, Fried Chicken, Galuskies, and all the trimmings. Many, many Thanks go out to the committee and volunteers setting up this event. It was very nice with a festive flavor.
The Trego Hospital Endowment Foundation, Inc exists to raise the funds necessary to support the mission of enhancing lives through Health Care support in all aspects of health care in the community, whether it is equipment, support, and education. The Foundation provides Volunteers and Donors the opportunities to connect visions, memorials, and legacies to make a difference. Trego Hospital Endowment Foundation, Inc. is a non-profit 501(c)(3) organization, your donations are tax-deductible. The Trego Hospital Endowment is committed to being a transparent and accountable steward of private financial support. Questions may be directed to, 785-743-2070, or any board member. Checks must be made payable to: Trego Hospital Endowment Foundation. Plan to join in next year!